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Our Principle Noise Makers

Jamie Tedesco, Founder & Marketing Director  â€‹was the marketing director for the Historic Taos Inn for eight years, interim director of the Green Chamber of Commerce for Northern New Mexico, founded a local recycling and natural resources management company, is the past president of the Taos Tourism Council and has served as marketing chair for the Taos Historic Museums. Jamie has also been a board member of the Boys and Girls Club and has served in various leadership capacities on many community, non-profit and church organizations. Jamie will focus his efforts on general business development, small business owner consulting, social media engagement and content management. He specializes on the hospitality, tourism, government, travel, non-profits and service industry sectors.

Jon Tedesco, Chief  Spark Creator  has been an advertising executive for over 40 years beginning as a graphic designer and moving up to creative director, partner and principle in his own firms based in Miami and the San Francisco Bay Area. Jon is a serial entrepreneur, inventor and product designer who has developed a unique joint venture marketing model of working with selective clients where he shares in the risks and rewards of their success. This has enabled him to gain an invaluable inside working knowledge of what it really takes to launch, operate, grow, merge or prepare for an acquisition of a wide variety of businesses. During his career he has helped launch over 100 companies in the hi-tech, consumer, real estate, packaged goods, service, automotive and non-profit sectors and is uniquely qualified as a board member and business coach.

June Bliss, Writer/Producer  has been working in the entertainment industry for over fifteen years. She is an efficient and creative asset who has worked on television series, independent movies, commercials, corporate videos and even a music video. She began her career at Nickelodeon and was soon promoted to be the production manager on SpongeBob SquarePants. Since then June has established a freelance career that includes production management, promotions, writing and script supervision.

Teresa Dovalpage, Writer/Spanish Language Translator  is an award-winning novelist with over ten years of experience in the publishing industry as a writer, translator and acquisitions editor for a bilingual online press. She has published nine books (six novels and three short story collections) and is currently a columnist and freelance writer for The Taos News. She often teaches literary workshops in English and Spanish and helps authors develop marketing strategies for their books. She has earned a Ph.D. in Spanish literature and teaches at UNM Taos.

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